Ovid® Synthesis Clinical Evidence Manager is a workflow management solution that organizes, standardizes, and accelerates quality improvement, evidence-based practice, and research projects across your institution. Offering a single, cohesive view of projects, Ovid® Synthesis Clinical Evidence Manager creates transparency and reduces duplication across teams while also fostering collaboration within projects by streamlining the literature search, appraisal process, implementation and dissemination. No other solution will take your clinical practice improvement projects to the next level to ensure they are of the highest quality and based on the latest research insights and evidence.

Continuous Quality Improvement to reduce noise in a busy ward

10th March, 2022

Join us for a webinar exploring how the Ovid® Synthesis Clinical Evidence Manager can be used in a realistic Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) case study for reducing noise on a busy ward to improve patient satisfaction. We’ll walk you through the simple process of entering background information using the variety of templates available, using the tool’s intuitive search interface to identify full-text articles and narrow the results using AI-driven filters, and assembling the key findings and recommendations for reducing noise through changes to clinical practice and equipment.

Ovid® Synthesis Clinical Evidence Manager is a workflow management solution that organizes, standardizes, and accelerates quality improvement, evidence-based practice, and research projects across your institution. Offering a single, cohesive view of projects, Ovid® Synthesis Clinical Evidence Manager creates transparency and reduces duplication across teams while also fostering collaboration within projects by streamlining the literature search, appraisal process, implementation and dissemination. No other solution will take your clinical practice improvement projects to the next level to ensure they are of the highest quality and based on the latest research insights and evidence.
OCE update and linking workflows for librarians
Webinar Date: 17th August, 2021

Webinar Times: 10:00 AM AEST and 4:00 PM AEST

Understanding of various platforms and workflows exposing full-text subscriptions, and of the new book reader on Ovid.

OCE update and linking workflows for end users
Webinar Date: 17th August, 2021

Webinar Times: 10:00 AM AEST and 4:00 PM AEST

Understanding of various platforms and workflows exposing full-text subscriptions, and of the new book reader on Ovid.

Using Ovid: Complex Psychological Searches Webinar
Date: October 27, 2022
Duration: 1 hour

・ すべて日本語で、20~40分程度の予定で行います
・ Ovidユーザーであればどなたでもご参加いただけます
・ 参加費は無料です
・ 本ウェビナーへの参加は、事前登録が必要です。右のフォームにご記入の上、お申込みください
